Friday, April 29, 2016

Happy 1st Birthday Hazel Grace!!

It's been exactly one year since this sweet little girl came into our lives and we've cherished every day! She continues to be one of the happiest little girls I have every seen, and she has an amazingly hilarious personality.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Hazel Grace - 8 Months

I just had to include these pictures I took of her at my mom's house. They turned out absolutely amazing! The lighting was perfect and they almost look professional!

Charlie absolutely adores Hazel. Any chance he gets he is holding her, playing with her, and loves posing for pictures with her.

Santa 2015...

Hazel's first Christmas. She loved the wrapping paper!

One of the things I love about being at home is that I get to go see my family up in Mount Vernon a lot. Olivia loves going to see her cousins, grandparents and great grandparents. Hazel loves my great grandpa Fox. She smiles at him and stretches her neck out making noises to get his attention. I finally snapped a picture of the girls with my great grandparents...

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Hazel Grace - 7 months

I was thinking the other day, and really this paragraph should read "Six Months". Hazel is 7 months today but these things and pictures are all things she's been doing over the last month (when she was 6 months going on 7 months). It's like I really need to wait until a month later to post the pictures and paragraph about what she's doing.

That being said, here is what this little girl has been up to the last month. She continues to love eating food! She's not a picky eater at all and will anything I make her. She has tried a variety of fruits and veggies and loves them all! I began mixing them this month to give her more of a variety. She loves green apple sauce (apples and spinach or kale) and any thing mixed with bananas. One of her favorites was also one of Olivia's favorites. It's like dessert! It's bananas, pineapple, avocado and a little yogurt. My favorite baby cookbook I used with Olivia is by far Tyler Florence's Start Fresh baby cookbook. He has amazing recipes and gives the reasons behind why it's so important to cook for and with your kids! Olivia loves helping make Hazel's food and Hazel loves sitting in her high chair watching!

This last month we also celebrated Hazel's first Thanksgiving. We spent time with the Joneses out at Fidalgo Bay Resort, the Studley Llama Farm with my mom and had Thanksgiving at my great grandpa and grandma Fox's house. Right around Thanksgiving Hazel also began cutting her first tooth. Following in her sister's footsteps, the second one came almost immediately after. Both my girls seem to always cut their teeth in pairs. She also began riding in the big girl part of the shopping cart. She is a rolling machine and rolls all over the place to get where she wants to go!

I'm so glad I have the opportunity to stay at home with the girls! I love everyday with them! We are so lucky to have such amazing, wonderful, happy kids. Olivia continues to be the most amazing big sister and helper. She attends to Hazel's every need, running in her room when she wakes up to greet her, sniffing her bum saying, "Oh no mom! She pooped again. You better go change her!" She feeds her, reads to her, sings her songs, pushes her in the swing, and the list goes on. I can't say enough about how amazing she is with Hazel! I can't wait to watch them grow up together, being the best of friends! There's no better friend than a sister!

Hazel's first teeth...

Hazel's first time in the big girl part of the shopping cart...