Saturday, August 27, 2011

First Month

It's hard to believe that it's already been a month since our precious little Olivia arrived into this world. I know she's only a month, but it makes me a little sad to know that she's already growing up so quickly.  She now weighs 9 lbs. and is 20 inches long.  She's grown out of her newborn clothes and diapers, and is wearing 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers.

Over the last couple of weeks she has become much more aware of her surroundings.  She opens her beautiful blue eyes wide and looks all around.  I engage her with my eyes, talking and singing to her.  We also love playing "This Little Piggy" and dancing around the house.  She still does pretty well in the car, usually falling fast asleep, and took her first road trip to my cousin's wedding last weekend.  She LOVES to talk.  She makes all sorts of cooing noises and grunts whether she is wide awake or sound asleep.  She is growing like a weed.  In the last week she has grown out of newborn clothing and diapers.  She is now in size ones and 0-3 month clothing.

We have spent hours over the last month enjoying and soaking up every minute with her.  She is absolutely wonderful!

(In her 1 Month pictures she is sporting one of the adorable outfits her Auntie Anne made for her.  It has her name on the front and the cutest ruffles on her little bottom!)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Happy 2nd Anniversary!

It seems longer than two years ago that we were married. (And I mean that in a good way.)  I truly treasure our relationship.  It has everything a good marriage needs: love, compassion, humor, kindness, and the desire to constantly want to do something nice for the other person just because.

We both received the best anniversary gift possible this year... the gift of a child.  We both feel absolutely blessed to have Olivia. 

This evening we exchanged our "cotton" gifts, ordered take out, and enjoyed a quiet evening at home with Olivia.  It was absolutely wonderful; good quality time with the two people I love so dearly.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

2 Weeks

It's crazy to think that today is when our little girls was supposed to arrive.  I can't believe she is already 2 weeks old.  It amazes me how quickly they change.  In the last week Olivia has become more aware of her surroundings.  She is more alert and opens her eyes wide to look at her mommy and daddy.  She makes the most adorable noises.  We find ourselves constantly staring at her in adoration.  She fills our hearts with love and happiness every moment of every day. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

First Doctor Visit

Today was Olivia's first visit to her pediatrician, Kristina Garrido.  We LOVE her!  Olivia checked out perfectly.  She is 7 lbs. 4 oz, almost back up to her birth weight!  Dr. Garrido was very happy with Olivia's eating, sleeping, and health.  It was so nice to hear a medical professional tell me not to wake her up to feed her.  I am so tired of hearing that; I say if she wants to sleep let her sleep! :o)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I can't believe our little girl is already a week old.  I called Zach today at exactly 5:34 pm while holding her in my arms.  It still seems so surreal that she's ours forever.  She's just as precious as can be and we're holding on to every moment with her.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It's a Girl!

Olivia Charlotte Mae Mitchell
July 27, 2011 at 5:34 pm
7 lbs. 5 oz.   19 inches long

My water broke at about 7:30 am.  At first I didn't believe that I was really going into labor, since I was convinced she would be late and I was exactly 38 weeks pregnant.  My contractions started almost an hour later around 8:30.  I was still convinced that we had plenty of time so I took a shower, got ready, paid some bills, cleaned a little, and began walking to help progress my labor.  It obviously worked because by 10:30 my contractions were only about 2-3 minutes apart and were lasting over a minute.  Zach decided it was time to go to the hospital.  When we checked in I was half way there (5 centimeters) and we were moved to a delivery room.


Just 10 hours later little Olivia Charlotte Mae Mitchell came into this big, new world.  Everything went exactly as planned.  I have to admit I was anxious about being able to do it, but by using all of the breathing and relaxation skills I learned in our Hypnobirthing classes I was able to labor completely naturally with the help of Zach and our doula, Marnie.  They were both AMAZING and I couldn't have done it without them. 

Zach cut the umbilical cord.

Dr. Te was great!

Our AMAZING doulda, Marnie.

One proud daddy!

All of our family members were in the waiting room anxiously awaiting to hear Zach's news, "It's a Girl!"


(My sister took lots of pictures of the family holding baby Olivia, so I'll post those as soon as I get them.)

Although the staff at Overlake were absolutely wonderful and we were blessed with great nurses, we were anxious to leave the hospital and be in the comfort of our own home.  Less than 24 hours after little Olivia's birth we were discharged and on our way.  And her "firsts" began...

Her first car ride.  Daddy drove very carefully, avoiding all semis on the freeway.

Her first time at home.

Daddy's first time changing Olivia's diaper.

Her first time meeting her great grandma Doris.

Her first "nap" with daddy.

Her first stroller ride.

Her first bath at home.  

Aunt Mary's first time holding her.

Olivia with Grandpa Jim.

The first few days home I have spent in awe.  I am completely amazed at every little movement and sound she makes.  We both find ourselves just staring at her, laughing, smiling, and in complete amazement at how it feels to be a parent.  Life is never the same again.  The love we feel for this little, precious girl cannot be explained in words.  We can only thank God for making all of our dreams come true.  She is absolutely perfect in every single way!

I think it looks like she's making Daddy's signature hand gesture. (See the picture below with Daddy and Ty.) 

Daddy and his friends celebrating with their "It's a Girl!" cigars.