Monday, June 3, 2013

December 30 & 31, 2012

My mom, brother and Emily all drove down on December 30 and met me and Olivia at the Bellevue Botanical Gardens for their annual light show.  I LOVE this light show.  It is amazing every year!  It was so fun to have Olivia and Emily this year.  They had such a good time and were mesmerized by the lights...



The next day was New Years Eve.  First Olivia put on a little dance show.  Then Daddy and Olivia spent the morning playing horsey...


Later that evening our neighbors came over New Years.  We of course didn't make it until mid-night, but the kids had a great time playing....

I tried out these cute "cupcakes" I found in one of Olivia's baby cookbooks.  The "cupcake" is turkey meatloaf topped with bacon and the "frosting" is mashed potatoes.  They were a big hit with adults and kids...

Olivia began posing for pictures.  She loves saying "CHEESE" when she sees the camera!

And that's a wrap for 2012!  On to 2013!

After Christmas

The 26th the Joneses headed down to our house to play and hang out for a  few days.  The kids immediately began playing and having a good time...

Charlie always reverts to being a "baby" like Olivia when he's here.  He's such a character...

This is absolutely hilarious!!



The next day the kids had fun feeding the chickens and playing on the swing set while Olivia took a nap...


That night we had fun making individual pizzas with the kids. 

Sadly the Joneses left the next day.  We tried to convince them to stay for New Years, but they already had plans. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Christmas Day

Christmas Day we headed to my Grandma Toddy's house. Sadly I didn't take any pictures, but I have these family pictures from my sister...