Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

I know I've been horrible about updating my blog... I still have July, August, September and October pictures to add.  I promise I'll update soon.  Until then, here was Olivia's first real Halloween....

She was a little Indian.  I fell in love with this dress and had to get it.  It made for the perfect costume.  My sister made her the adorable headband to finish it all off...


She absolutely LOVED trick-or-treating.  It only took her a few times watching the other kids and she right into place.  She would walk right up to the door, knock, take some candy and put it in her bag, then most of the time she tried to sneak on in the house to see what else was going on.  We'll work on the last part for next year.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Olivia's First Birthday!

I'm finally back up and running!!  It's pretty bad when you post your child's first birthday pictures two months after her birthday!! At least I'm posting them on my birthday. Better late than never...

Her 1st birthday party went amazing!  We did a farm party, and with the help of Zach and my sister everything turned out perfect...


So glad Grandma Patty snapped this picture of Olivia in her cowgirl boots.  It's the only one we got!

The birthday throne, decorations, treat bags, food, and the cake table...



My dad made this amazing kitchen for Olivia.  It was the hit of the party and she hasn't stopped playing with it since her birthday...

My sister did a great job taking pictures for me.  She made sure to get Olivia with all of her family members.
First, Grandpa Jim and Grandma Patty...

Grandma Mitchell and Auntie Mary...

Grandma Emily...

with cousin Emily...

All of the cousins...Charlie, Emily and Jack...

Uncle Bryan and Auntie Anne...

Mommy and Daddy...

Grandma and Grandpa Mitchell, Great Grandma Doris, and Auntie Mary...
My good friend Tiffany with her husband and adorable son Kellan...

 After visiting we all dug in.  Jack ate watermelon after watermelon...

Olivia had some watermelon and her first hot dog...

Emily had some delicious strawberry milk.  All of the kids went crazy for the chocolate and strawberry milk.  I think I even saw some adults enjoying it!

Next it was time for the pinata!  Olivia's first pinata...

We lined the kids up youngest to oldest and everyone got a turn to whack the pinata...

I had given all of the kids their treat bags before the pinata so they would have something to put their candy in.  Charlie quickly checked out his loot and found a piece to enjoy...

Next it was time for confetti eggs!


We even played some confetti egg baseball...

My little peanut...
Our neighbor and good friend Donny brought down his fancy John Deere tractor and trailer for all of the kids to ride in.  It was the hit of the party!!

Love these next three pictures.  Daddies with their babies...

Zach's friend Eric with his daughter Sophia...


Then it was time for cake.  We got Olivia's cake from the Albertson's on 202 in Redmond.  They did a great job and even made this little individual cake for Olivia for free!!!

My brother-in-law's family started a great tradition several years ago.   They sing Captain Zoom's Happy Birthday song at the kids' birthday parties.  We've done it for all of my sister's kids and I was SOOOO excited to sing it for Olivia.  I printed out lyrics to the song so everyone could sing along!
Then we sang the traditional Happy Birthday...

Until her first birthday Olivia had never had processed sugar before.  After she took her first bite of cake she shuddered from the sweetness and then dug in!!

Charlie didn't want his own piece.  He wanted some of Olivia's.  I believe he is licking his lips and getting his finger ready...

If you look closely in the left-hand side of this picture you can see his finger go in the cake...


Then it was time for presents.  Olivia wasn't quite sure what to do so her cousins helped her out...

Crabbie shirt from Grandpa Jim and Grandma Patty...

And one of my favorite shirts Olivia has ever owned!!  An Olivia shirt from Grandma Emily...

"Are all of these presents for me??!!"

"Oh my goodness!!"

After presents almost everyone had left.  We did a good job sticking to our 3 o'clock end time.  I knew most of the little ones would be getting tired.  Emily and Jack took a break inside with Grandma Emily...

While Olivia tested out her new toys...

Before Donny drove the tractor back home Anne took the kids for one last ride while Olivia was napping...

A great end to a great day!!!
Now that I'm up and running again, I'll try and get the rest of our July, August, and September pictures up.