Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Hazel Grace - 3 Months

Hazel Grace - 3 Months

She's so stinking cute I couldn't just choose one picture! At three months old Hazel continues to grow like a weed! She's about 16.5 lbs and in 6 months clothes, quickly moving into 6-12 month clothes! She is a very good eater and a good sleeper, averaging 7-8 hours most nights now. She is such a happy baby, constantly smiling back at anyone who smiles at her! She definitely knows her mama, daddy and big sister. When she hears one of us talking she quickly swings her head around trying to find whichever one of us is talking. She loves playing games like This Little Piggy and Pat-a-Cake with her mama and her big sister! She also loves being read to, one of Olivia's favorite things to do with her. (I'll post some videos soon as I get caught up.) Olivia is an amazing big sister and loves singing and dancing for Hazel as well. She includes her in all of her make believe play.  We are so fortunate to have two wonderful little girls who brighten our lives everyday!

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