Tuesday, December 27, 2011

5 Months

Each month so far I have truly felt like it had been a month since the last milestone. However, this last month, from four to five, went by at lightening speed! It does not feel like our little girl is already five months old. She's getting so big! She wears six month clothes, and is now about 15 lbs. 2 oz. and 25.5 inches long. She's still a little peanut compared to her cousins, but she's cuter than ever.

This past month she has become so aware and seems so much older. She continues to be a little chatter box, and is extremely social. She loves other kids, and smiles at everyone who greets her. She also began noticing Buster this last month. She LOVES him, and follows him with her eyes wherever he goes. She even began crying last week when he left the room. I called him back in, and she immediately stopped. She just started holding her bottle on her own, and is very interested in food. She will sit in her highchair playing with toys when I am cooking in the kitchen. She watches me cook and then watches intently as we eat. She follows the food from our plate to our mouths. We'll start with rice cereal and easy foods next month.

She is still sleeping through the night (7-9 hours), but hates the car seat. It's a trade I'm willing to take. There's no where I have to go except her doctor's appointments. So although it's tough sometimes being stuck at home, I'm glad she's a good sleeper most of the time. Parenthood continues to amaze me on a daily basis. It's a lot of work and can be exhausting, but it's the most rewarding thing in the world!

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