Friday, December 23, 2011


Thanksgiving was bittersweet this year.  It started off great.  We found out a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving that both my brother and my Uncle Wally would be in town to visit. YEAH!  Neither one of them had met Olivia before.  So we adjusted our plans to go up to Mount Vernon instead of staying in town to celebrate with Zach's family like we usually do.  However, a few days before Thanksgiving, Zach got really sick with a bad virus.  He didn't want to get anyone sick including me and Olivia so in the end he stayed home while we headed up to Mount Vernon.  It was by far one of the most difficult things I've ever done.  I felt horrible leaving him at home, sick, and taking Olivia away during our first Thanksgiving together with her.  He unselfishly assured me it was the best thing to do.

We did have a great time visiting with family, but kept calling to check on Daddy.

Emily was SO happy her and Olivia had matching jammies!
Charlie loves Olivia and can never get enough of her when we visit...
We attempted to get some pics of all the cousins in their matching jammies with Uncle Mike...
Uncle Wally got us all hooked on Skype. We hadn't ever used it before and now we all use it. What a technological world our kids are growing up in. They can call their cousins and see them while they talk!

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