Monday, February 27, 2012

Seven Months

Where has the time gone?!  As I posted yesterday, this last month has been a month of changes (teeth, food, moving, and the list goes on...).  She doesn't seem so much like a little baby anymore.  She's moving into becoming such a little person.  She LOVES to eat.  I began making her food this last month.  So far she's had apples, pears, bananas, watermelon, avocados, sweet potatoes, squash and peas.  I put cinnamon in this last batch of apples and she absolutely devoured them.  She smacks her lips when she eats them.  Her favorites seem to be sweet potatoes and apples with cinnamon.  We're waiting for her to begin crawling any day now.  She loves to play on her tummy on the floor.  We have to keep a close eye on her as she "inch worms" quickly across the floor.  She also loves her jumper and her entertainer.  She plays and plays in both of them. 

One of the things that melts my heart everyday is her personality.  She's got a lot of it!!  She makes faces, laughs and smiles all the time, and lets you know if she's done with something.  She's got quite the voice and lets it be heard! She also began growling/roaring at us this last month after spending almost two weeks with her cousin Charlie.  It's absolutely hilarious. 

One of my favorite times of day is when her daddy comes home from work.  She usually hears his voice first and begins looking around for him.  Once she spots him, she immediately smiles from ear to ear and doesn't stop.  It's absolutely precious!!  She brings continuous joy to our lives everyday.   

1 comment:

  1. She is too cute for words! And yet you put her cuteness into words so well :)
