Saturday, March 10, 2012

The last few weeks of February...

The second week of February Olivia and I took a "vacation" to Mount Vernon.  Zach was working on remodeling our bathroom/laundry room/pantry and Bryan had to go to New York for work.  So I switched some days around at work and headed up to Mount Vernon to visit and help my sister out.  As it turns out I ended up getting really sick (bronchitis and a sinus infection) the first couple of days I was up there and wasn't really too much help at all.  Once I was feeling a little better Olivia and I quickly headed up to my sisters to hang out and have F-U-N!

On Monday we headed to the park.  It was a beautiful day out, but it was cold!  Emily borrowed Olivia's owl hat to help keep her warm.  The kids had a great time running around playing and Olivia had a great time watching them.  Oh how she loves her cousins!

We spent the next few days in doors admiring the crafts Auntie Anne does with her kids!  She's so creative!  We also spent a special Valentine's Day with the cousins.  (I already put it on the blog).  They had lots of cute gifts for Olivia.  We ate heart-shaped pizza, cookies, and donuts.  We also spent lots of time with Grandma Emily and Grandpa Jim.

Charlie LOVES his little cousin.  The minute we walk through the door she starts smiling and cheering for her.  He can't keep his hands off her, gently "petting" her head, hugging her, kissing her.  It's absolutely adorable.  He has been known to try and sit on her, but I think he means it in a loving way.

Friday my mom and I drove up to Blaine to get Olivia's 6 month pictures taken.  I've posted some of them below...

Sunday I got to experience my first ever Jones Third Sunday Dinner.  Yes, I capitalized it because it's an important event.  Every third Sunday Bryan's parents have all of their kids over for dinner.  My sister and I are a sucker for special family traditions and this one is no different.  All of the siblings, their spouses, and their kids join together for a sit-down Sunday dinner with family.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!  Family is so important and I love that they make sure they get to see all of their family at least once a month.  The best part is there are eight cousins (soon to be nine!) who are all about the same age.  They play and play together and have tons of fun! 

Sunday evening when we got home, Olivia and I went out to see my dad and Patti...

We had our favorite photographers, the SNAPsisters, take Olivia's 6 month pictures.  Jodi outdid herself!  Olivia was a little ham and kept making faces at us instead of smiling, but she got some great pictures of her!   It amazes me everyday how big she is getting.  I know people constantly say, "They grow up so fast," but I just can't believe how fast it really is...


Zach drove up the President's Day night, stayed the night, and then drove us home the next day.  We had been gone for 11 days, the longest we've ever been apart.  Boy, did we miss Daddy!!  But at the same time I was so sad to leave.  It just made me wish even more that we lived closer to my family.  Hopefully as Olivia gets older she'll tolerate the car better and it will be easier to go visit.

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