Wednesday, June 27, 2012

11 Months...

Where has the time gone??  I can’t believe that in only a month she will already be a year old.  She’s getting so big, and never ceases to amaze me with some new thing she is doing.  She loves to run (still holding fingers) and drive her little red car.  She loves walks, playing outside, crawling in the grass, and wrestling with her cousins.  She still loves kids and usually screams at the sight of them so they will notice her.  She crawled up to Zach last week and said, “Dada.”  About fifteen minutes later she walked up to me and said, “Mama.”  She is still a little inconsistent, but I think we’re counting “dada” as her first word (at least I know Zach is!)  She points at what she wants and yells if you don’t give it to her or take her there.  She also points at people and smiles.  She loves animals and laughs and laughs at the sight of our neighbor’s dog playing catch.  She continues to be a great eater and has begun to dabble in Mommy and Daddy’s food.  So far she’s had eggs, toast, cantaloupe, green beans, peaches, oranges, banana, and Pad Thai noodles (I think that’s it, but I’m sure I’ve missed something.)  She also has begun learning how to drink out of a sippy cup.  Some of her favorites include reading books, playing with blocks (I stack them up and she knocks them over), and playing instruments, but her two favorite things to do are run with her walker back and forth and back and forth and play ball.  She’s got a great arm and loves to sit and throw the ball to me.  She LOVES her Gymboree classes and continues to be an extremely social little girl.  She is so funny and has a great personality.  I can’t count the times complete strangers have said to me how good natured she is and have ask me, “Is she always this active?!”  She is absolutely precious, and we thank God every day for this perfect little girl.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Zach's 1st Father's Day...

Began with breakfast in bed...

Followed by a relaxing afternoon.  Olivia and I ate in the kitchen while Daddy enjoyed his quiet morning eating his breakfast.  Olivia tried eggs for the first time!  She is such a good eater.  We've been giving her more and more solid foods.  She had eggs, cantaloupe, toast, and yogurt...

She also tried drinking out of a sippy cup for the first time...

She played with it more than she drank from it, banging it on her tray laughing...

The two loves in my life...

Happy 1st Father's Day Daddy!  You're the best Daddy a little girl could ever ask for!

Fall City Days 2012

The 3rd weekend in June, Father's Day Weekend, is always Fall City Days Weekend.  We usually walk around and check out the festivities and go home.  This year, having Olivia, we were very excited to be full participants.  Zach and our neighbor and good friend, Donny, came up with the idea of decking out Donny's fancy John Deere riding lawn mower for the kiddy parade.  We got streamers, balloons and bubbles and decorated the John Deere.  Saturday morning we headed down for the parade.  It was a ton of fun!

We picked up the nieghbor boy, Cameron along the way...


Zach, Donny and Olivia...

Beth and Shanna made it with Max and Kade just in time for the parade to begin.  Luckily we were the caboose...

Cameron was great waving to all of the people on the sidelines...

Towards the end of the parade we picked up two more nieghbor hood kids.  Olivia LOVED riding up with Daddy.  She was clapping and waving at all the people...

On our way back to the main parade Zach spotted this old miltary vehicle..

Then it was time for the main parade.  The rubber ducky group of course (this is a FC tradition)...

The theme of the parade was tractors this year so there were several old really amazing tractors...

And last but not least, the chalk artist who attends every year did an amazing drawing...

I'm SO very glad we participated this year and look forward to the years to come.  This will definately remain a Mitchell family tradition.  I'm hoping more friends and family can join us next year!

Fun in June...

At the beginning of June we decided to participate in the Fall City Community Garage Sale.  Zach and the boys got a little restless and decided to run races, timing themselves to see how fast they are...

Olivia was perfect.  She sat in her highchair eating breakfast and then hung out all morning long...

Videos, videos and more videos from June...

Thursday, June 21, 2012


The 31st of May Zach and I decided to finally use the gift certificate we had received from attending Kellan's 1st birthday party in December.  We got a free month at Gymboree Play and Music that had to be used before Olivia's first birthday.  So off we went to try it out again now that she was a little older.  At first she crawled around and greeted some of the other kids...

Then we practiced using our core muscles on the air log.  She liked pushing it more than she liked sitting on it...

Then we sang Row, Row, Row Your Boat and she rocked in the boat...

She had a great time and we signed up for classes. We've been going now for four weeks and she loves it. She starts screaming and pushing to get down the minute we walk into the room.