Wednesday, June 27, 2012

11 Months...

Where has the time gone??  I can’t believe that in only a month she will already be a year old.  She’s getting so big, and never ceases to amaze me with some new thing she is doing.  She loves to run (still holding fingers) and drive her little red car.  She loves walks, playing outside, crawling in the grass, and wrestling with her cousins.  She still loves kids and usually screams at the sight of them so they will notice her.  She crawled up to Zach last week and said, “Dada.”  About fifteen minutes later she walked up to me and said, “Mama.”  She is still a little inconsistent, but I think we’re counting “dada” as her first word (at least I know Zach is!)  She points at what she wants and yells if you don’t give it to her or take her there.  She also points at people and smiles.  She loves animals and laughs and laughs at the sight of our neighbor’s dog playing catch.  She continues to be a great eater and has begun to dabble in Mommy and Daddy’s food.  So far she’s had eggs, toast, cantaloupe, green beans, peaches, oranges, banana, and Pad Thai noodles (I think that’s it, but I’m sure I’ve missed something.)  She also has begun learning how to drink out of a sippy cup.  Some of her favorites include reading books, playing with blocks (I stack them up and she knocks them over), and playing instruments, but her two favorite things to do are run with her walker back and forth and back and forth and play ball.  She’s got a great arm and loves to sit and throw the ball to me.  She LOVES her Gymboree classes and continues to be an extremely social little girl.  She is so funny and has a great personality.  I can’t count the times complete strangers have said to me how good natured she is and have ask me, “Is she always this active?!”  She is absolutely precious, and we thank God every day for this perfect little girl.

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