Friday, July 27, 2012

One Year Old

It seems absolutely surreal that our little girl is already a year old.  She is changing everyday from a little baby into a toddler.  She says "mama" and "dada", that, this, and up.  She also gives kisses and just learned how to blow kisses.  She is walking pretty well.  She can take up to 20 steps before losing balance and falling.  She knows what she wants and points to things and says "that!"  She is our little nosey rosey and loves to see what everyone around her is doing.  She reminds me of my Uncle Wally in that way... a people watcher.  She has a great sense of humor and knows that she is funny, trying to make those around her laugh.  She's pretty good at sharing and giving us things we don't want her to have.  But she's also an escape artist.  Her favorite time to show off this skill is when she is getting her diaper changed!  She continues to enrich our lives, making us laugh and bringing continuous joy to our lives.  She is absolutely precious and melts my hear everyday!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Give her extra kisses for me...I miss her already!
