Sunday, May 27, 2012

10 months...

I don't even know where to begin...  At 10 months this little girl is into EVERYTHING!!!  She's so fast, we are constantly running to keep up with her.  She pulls herself up without hesitation, walks around the furniture, and pushes her little walker around the house.  She's loud and has discovered that she loves to hear her loud voice only (no quiet voices).  She talks and talks, and we're trying to work on beginning some words.  She's began to take an interest in certain toys.  She totes her little baby doll that Grandma Emily got her all around with her, and loves her taggy blankets her Auntie Anne made her.  She still has a little stranger danger at times, but is getting better.  We also discovered that she is quite the little dare devil this last month.  She loves to ride around with her cousin Emily in the motorized Jeep at full speed, swerving and driving like two crazy girls!  She also rode on a little motorized four wheeler last weekend, holding onto the handle bars, standing up showing everyone her tricks.  She's got SO much personality and is absolutely hilarious.  She has a great sense of humor and continues to surprise me at how very social she is.  She loves other kids and can't get enough of her cousins.  We treasure everyday and are continuously amazed.

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