Monday, May 21, 2012

May Days (Part 1)...

Olivia and I have spent several days in Mount Vernon this month, so Zach can have some quiet time at home studying for his Journeyman test.  It all began the first Friday of May.  Zach and I had been looking at getting a more fuel efficient car.  Zach looked and looked, and researched and researched.  Did A LOT of wheeling and dealing and ended up getting the best deal up in Burlington from Foothills Toyota.  In the end we got a Toyota Camry SE and we're already saving money with the Expedition parked in the driveway. (I'll post a picture as soon as I take one.)

My mom hitched a ride home with us and helped watch Olivia for the week while Zach studied.  Then the Thursday before Mother's day Olivia, Grandma Emily and I headed back up to Mount Vernon.  Thursday evening Olivia and I went up to the Joneses for a visit.  Charlie spent the evening entertaining his little cousin with this yellow ball...

Friday morning we headed back up to see Anne and the kids again.  We decided to take all of the kids to the park.  On Fridays she watches a little boy that is about the same age as Charlie.  The trip there was long but the kids all did great. Emily rode her bike, I pushed Olivia in my mom's stroller, Jack and Christian rode in the double stroller, and Charlie was in the backpack.  Once we were there the kids played and played...

First a hug...

Then a kiss...

I LOVE this picture.  Charlie was walking by and heard me say, "Say cheese!" to Jack, Emily and Olivia.  He stuck his head through the bars and shouted, "CHEEEESE!" at me!

The trek back was a little more difficult.  Emily was too tired from playing and couldn't ride her bike.  Jack didn't want to ride in the stroller.  This is what it looked like...

When we got to Anne's her new neighbors were out front and asked us if we ran a daycare. When we responded no, she said, "Those are all your kids??!!" It was pretty funny, and all we could do was laugh!

Saturday morning we woke up early and had a garage sale at my mom's...

Saturday evening we headed out to my dad's house to celebrate his birthday...

Emily and Olivia drove around in the pink jeep.  Emily was driving like a mad woman and I was running to try and hold Olivia in while she laughed and laughed with Emily.  This child is fearless...

Then it was time for Grandpa to blow out his candles...

This is one of my favorite pictures.  No one is crying or trying to escape!

My sister took some great pictures of Olivia in the grass.  Her hair is a little crazy because she was lathered in sunscreen, but they turned out absolutely beautiful.  Forget hiring someone to take her pictures for now on...

Sunday we celebrated Mother's Day at my mom's house.  We laid around in the backyard while the kids played in the pool.  My sister made a wonderful meal, but next year I vote for pizza or Thai!  No cookin' for these mamas anymore!

Olivia and I drove home Sunday afternoon and finished celebrating with Zach.  We ordered out, and spent the evening snuggled up at home together. 

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