Thursday, May 31, 2012

May Days (Part 2)...

The following Tuesday after Mother's Day, Olivia and I headed back up to Mount Vernon to give Daddy time to study for his Journeyman Exam.  We spent most of Wednesday in Grandma Emily's backyard playing.  Charlie loves his little cousin and pushed her around in this wagon they found...

Next he decided it was his turn.  It was shortly lived however because he discovered he isn't quite as small as his little cousin...

"There it is!" A helicopter flew overhead...

Olivia found one of Charlie's cars while he was distracted by the helicopter...

She's been getting around really well this month.  We found this old "walker" I had gotten for Emily when she was little and although it had a little sand in it, Olivia pushed it all around the deck...

One of Charlie's favorite snacks is also Olivia's.  They both LOVE these puffs.  Charlie always seems to search them out of the diaper bag to enjoy...

As I've said several times before, this little girl is into everything!  She pulled the broom handle out of my mom's sliding glass door and was swinging it around like crazy.  We decided it wasn't too safe, so she decided to use the elephant watering can instead...

Sorry...Another sideways video.  I can't figure out how to rotate it, but it's really cute...

These two little girls LOVE each other so much!  They wore themselves out with some wrestling before bed...

The next morning they were at it again...

Friday morning we headed over to Anne's to play for a while before we had to leave...

Olivia discovered the stairs.  This was her first time going up and down stairs.  She did pretty well!

Then Charlie decided to push her around a little more, only this time it was in his dump truck...

Saturday afternoon we headed over to Haley and Dustin's for Mason's 3rd birthday party.  Olivia found his little 4 wheeler and couldn't get enough of it.  Everyone at the party was taking pictures of her riding it.  I had forgotten the camera but luckily Zach snapped some pictures on his phone...

Olivia had such a great time on Saturday so I decided to go get her an early birthday present on Sunday.  We were going to get her a little motorized 4 wheeler like Mason's but decided that would be better for a 2nd or 3rd birthday when she could steer it herself.  Instead we got her this little car, equipped with a seat belt and a handle so we could steer it.  It was absolutely perfect.  We drove her around and around the house all day Sunday and Monday (since it was raining).  Zach drove her around so long on Monday that she actually fell asleep in it...

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