Monday, August 13, 2012

July Fun Part 2...

For our second trip in July we headed up to Mount Vernon.  Zach had to work nights, so Olivia and I headed up to spend some time with family and visit Uncle Mike before he had to head back to Arizona.

We arrived Monday evening and stayed the night at Grandma Emily's house.  Tuesday afternoon my mom, my brother, Olivia and I all headed out to the Concrete KOA where the Joneses were camping.

My mom, my brother, Olivia and I all played at the campsite since Charlie was napping while the Anne, Bryan, Emily and Jack went swimming with their friends at the pool...

As soon as they returned they all joined in playing with Olivia...

I have never been to a KOA before (that I remember) but WOW is it fancy!  They have a pool, kiddie pool, hot tub, playground, mini golf and this awesome bouncy pillow...

After the bouncy pillow we decided to play some duck, duck, goose...

Next we were off to try out mini golf...

When we returned to camp the kids all roasted marshmallows and made smores, while this little peanut took a much needed nap...

Auntie Anne got a few minutes of snuggle time in before it was time to get this tired little girl home for the evening...

On our way home, a bird flew out of the side of some trees.  I looked and looked for it hoping it did not hit the car. I was not so fortunate and neither was the bird. I know its kind of strange to put this picture up, but I just couldn't believe that it somehow got turned around and was perfectly plastered to the grill of the car.  Lucky for me, my loving brother removed it for me Wednesday morning.

Wednesday morning my brother and I headed back up to Concrete to visit again.  We met the Joneses at the pool and Olivia experienced her first time swimming in a pool.  She loved it!

Charlie let her use his little donut for a while.  I couldn't believe how well she hung on and kicked her little legs.  I think we might have to try swim lessons next year...

When we returned from the pool, we spent most of the rest of the afternoon relaxing and playing in the grassy field...

By late afternoon Olivia was getting tired, so we decided to pack up and head back to Mount Vernon...

Thursday Emily had her usual sleepover with Grandma Emily.  My mom was house sitting, so we joined her Thursday evening for dinner and spent the night with her.  Olivia quickly discovered this steep staircase and was completely entertained going up and down the stairs...

Thursday evening we had gone out to Sakuma Brother's farm to get raspberries and strawberries to make jam.  First thing Friday morning we were jam making fools!  Emily was so excited to help...

Saturday we headed out to Grandpa Jim's and Grandma Patti's house.  The kids played and played...

Grandpa and Olivia...

My sister took these great one year pictures of Olivia for me...

After all that posing for the camera it was back to playtime...

Just like her cousins, Olivia LOVES the water.  She would walk right up to the sprinkler and then run away, laughing and yelling...

She also loved this Go Fling game.  She kept going back to it playing on the bars and with the balls...

Delicious watermelon...

By mid-July Olivia was still working on taking a few steps before falling, but what she had definitely mastered was pushing things around...

I wish I would have gotten more pictures of Olivia with my brother while he was here.  It amazes me that even though she doesn't get to see him that often, she will go right to him when he's here.  He is a wonderful uncle and all of the kids love playing with him...

A couple of kisses goodbye before we headed home for the evening...

Sunday afternoon we headed to my friend Amy's house for her baby shower.  We have been friends since middle school.  They had a bouncy houses set up and Olivia immediately joined in on the fun.  This child has NO FEAR!

Haily, Amy's daughter, loved Olivia and wanted to hold her over and over again while going down the slide...

Emily also wanted to hold Olivia, but Haley objected.  She wanted Olivia to only be her baby for teh day.  It was pretty cute...

They also had this awesome "slip and slide" set up for the kids to go down.  This picture really doesn't give it justice.  It was a huge black tarp set up going down a hill.  The sprinkler was going on it and the kids lathered themselves up with soap to make themselves go faster!  Olivia didn't get to try this one out, but Emily had fun...

That evening before heading home we stopped in at the Joneses for one last playtime.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE watching the cousins play together...

My favorite!  Lounging with the boys...

Uncle Mike pushed her around and around on the Thomas the Train before we had to leave...

I always hate leaving after having so much fun, but I knew that this little peanut's daddy would be missing her after being gone for a whole week!  As usual we had an amazing time.  I only wish we lived closer so we could do it more often...

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