Sunday, January 27, 2013

18 Months...

This is definitely not the best picture in the world.  I had to take it on my phone.  I turned on the camera this morning to snap a few shots of Olivia on her 18 month birthday only to discover it's not working.  It's in the shop and will hopefully be ready soon...

On to more important things, like our little girl is 18 months!!  WOW, where does the time go?!  She is so much fun!  She is such a happy and joyful kid.  She's absolutely hilarious and even cracks herself up!  Her vocabulary is growing.  She now says mom, dada, mama (pronounced mamo) for grandma, please, thank you, cheese (for the camera), milk, no, dog, this and that. She loves to give kisses and hugs and is such a loving kid.  She puckers her lips up like a little fish when she's ready to kiss.  I got a quick picture of her ready to kiss grandma (below).  She would play outside everyday all day if we let her.  She loves to run and run, and explore.  My mom takes her on walks everyday.  Her favorite place to walk is down to the end of the street to see the horses.  She loves animals.  They've also been going to story time at the library each week.  They have a good mix of stories, singing, dancing, and activities for the kids.  She also loves other kids, especially her cousins.  Her and Charlie are absolutely best buds and are quite the pair together.  She absolutely fills our lives with pure joy and happiness each and everyday!   

(I promise to finish getting our July-December 2012 pictures up soon!  Every spare minute I have is spent with this precious little girl, so it's hard to find time!)

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