Sunday, August 4, 2013

January 2013

I didn't get a whole lot of pictures in January because my camera broke.  All of the pictures we have are from our phones or from my sister. 

Olivia got an art easel for Christmas and found some creative ways to use it after I put it together...

She learned how to say, "happy!" and is becoming more independent everyday.  Although it's often messy, she loves feeding herself...

 We were able to spend a lot of time outside this winter.  Although it was chilly it wasn't too cold or really snowy this year...



The jeep battery finally died after hours of playing in it, but that didn't stop these kids...



Yes... she's sleeping.

She loves laying on her bean bag my sister made her and relaxing.

We also took our monthly trip up to Mount Vernon.  Olivia loves playing with the tea set...

She also loves posing for pictures... CHEESE!!!


She spent some time outside testing out the boys' toys...

Grandpa came over for a visit and was quickly turned into the horsey...

Lucky for him, Charlie decided to bounce on his bouncy ball horsey instead...


On Sunday we headed up to Nooksack with the Joneses to join them for their monthly Sunday Dinner at Bryan's parents' house.  Grandma Jones got these really cool Lego sets for the boys.  They lit up so when you built Legos on them the Legos would light up.  Olivia spent a lot of time playing outside...



Before we left on Sunday evening, Uncle Bryan got out his guitar and played for us.  Olivia couldn't get enough of it...


This is one of my all time favorite videos.  It doesn't get much sweeter than this...

Back at home, some of these pictures didn't turn out so great, but they're still cute!  They are taken on 1/27/13, Olivia's 18 month birthday!

Puckering up for a kiss for Grandma Emily...


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