Thursday, August 8, 2013

Palm Springs (February 2013)

During February break my mom and I decided to take a trip down to Palm Springs to visit one of her friends.  Although the plane ride was a little stressful, overall Olivia did really well and we had a great time!

We took a night flight hoping Olivia would sleep most of the way, which she did.  We didn't get to Palm Springs until almost 10 PM on Sunday so the next morning we were out early ready to go on a walk.




Dave and Steph's house is absolutely beautiful!  True to herself, Olivia loved being outside.

I just couldn't get over the fact that in mid-February they had grapefruits growing on their tree ready to eat and tomato plants baring fruit...
Steph had this dog hair broom she used around the house.  Olivia loved it and constantly went around the house sweeping...


On Tuesday we went shopping in Old Town Palm Desert and had a great time...

Later that afternoon my mom and I walked Olivia back down to the "Old Town".  There was a really fun park we had seen earlier, but Olivia fell asleep before we could check it out.  I have to admit we thought it was a lot closer.  It ended up being about 5 miles away.  On our way I saw these signs and had to take pictures for Zach...

Bath time!

On Wednesday Steph had to work so Dave took us to the Palm Spring's zoo and botanical garden, The Living Desert.  Olivia had a great time watching all of the animals.  One of the really neat things about this zoo was that the animals were really up close.

I instantly thought of Jack and Charlie when we walked into the zoo.  There was this huge model train station with electric trains running on all different tracks and through tunnels...


This picture was taken for Emily since she loves unicorns...

Sadly, Thursday was our last day, but since our flight wasn't until the evening we still had time to play...


On our way to the airport we stopped one last time at the park to let Olivia play for a while and let off some energy.  This is by far my most favorite video of her ever.  I love how animated and excited she was as she told my mom and Steph about how she went down the big slide.  Absolutely precious!!


Boy was she excited to see her daddy when we got home Thursday night.

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