Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Baby Shower, A Birthday, and Mother's Day x2!

Last weekend was the first of many busy weekends this month.  Due to the busy month, and the outrageous gas prices right now, my family squeezed all of our events for the month into one weekend. 

A Baby Shower
We began on Saturday afternoon.  My mom hosted an absolutely perfect family baby shower at her house.  Everything was wonderful, the food and tea, family, and games.

My sister designed these adorable invitations.  She also made onesie cookies that turned out SO cute and yummy!

Jack LOVED playing with the balloons.  He thought it was hilarious to look through them and see everything in orange!

I'm not a big shower game person, but we played a couple of fun games...

Write down as many nursery rhymes as you can in one minute, and match the baby socks game.

Emily was a great help opening all the wonderful gifts from everyone!

A Birthday
Saturday evening we celebrated my dad's birthday.  My sister, the kids and I took him and Patti to our favorite Mexican restaurant, La Casita.  Emily brought a special birthday hat for her special grandpa.

Mother's Day
Emily and I stayed the night at my mom's house on Saturday night.  We woke up early and began preparing a special Mother's Day brunch.  When my mom and I told Emily it was a special day and we were making a special breakfast, she sweetly asked, "Does that mean we can order anything we want for breakfast today?"  We both smiled and answered yes.  "Ok, I'll have french toast with butter and powdered sugar!" She excitedly replied.  I LOVE this little girl!  She is absolutely precious.  My mom got started on her french toast while I began our menu for everyone else: poached eggs, toast, bacon, and fresh berries.  This is my mom's, my sister's and my favorite breakfast.  I served Emily her breakfast in bed.  She thought this was wonderful. 

When Anne, Bryan, Jack and Charlie arrived we ate our delicious breakfast.  Jack decided he also needed a special breakfast tray like Emily's.

Emily then gave Anne her special Mother's Day present.

After a wonderful morning, I headed back down to Fall City to begin preparing dinner for Zach's family for a Mother's Day celebration.  Unfortunately, I was too busy preparing food and entertaining and forgot to get my camera out to take pictures.  We had a great time and stuffed ourselves with lasagna, salad, bread sticks, and apple tarte tartin.

This Mother's Day was especially memorable for me.  I can't begin to explain the emotions and feelings that come with knowing in a few short months Zach and I will have our own little baby.  We are both SO excited and nervous at the same time.  Family is so important to both of us, and we soon will have our own little perfect family!  We have truly been blessed by God, and feel so fortunate.


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