Friday, May 6, 2011

Easter Weekend

We started our Easter weekend out on Friday.  We drove up to Mount Vernon in the early afternoon.  When we got there Zach spent over three hours pressure washing my dad's driveway for him.  While he was doing that, I went with my sister and the kids out to the tulip fields.  I haven't been in a couple of years and really wanted to go this year.

Emily thought it was fun to splash in the giant mud puddles, while Jack stayed clear of them saying, "Ewe!" every time he came to one.

Charlie kept trying to eat the tulips every time Anne tried to get a picture.

After the tulip fields we stopped by Schuh Farms to see the animals.

Charlie and I LOVED this goat.  It reminded Anne and I of my goat, Sugar, growing up.

Friday evening we celebrated Zach's birthday at my mom's house.  Zach and Bryan had a whiskey and coke to celebrate.  Friday night we had to go pick up the RV from Camping World from having work done.  This meant that I had to drive the RV from Camping World to my dad's house.  By the time we got to Camping World and got hooked up it was 8:00 pm and dark.  I wasn't scared until I got behind the wheel and realized that I was over 40 feet long with the Expedition and trailer!  I decided to take the back country rodes because I was too scared to drive on the highway with all the cars.  I didn't realize when I made that decision that the back roads were VERY poorly lit and there was little shoulder on the side of the road.  Zach was a great coach and guided me the whole way.  We made it safely to my dad's, got unhooked, and settled in.

Saturday morning we woke up early and Zach began pressure washing again.  I drove into town to help my mom watch Emily and Jack while Bryan and Anne took Charlie for his check up appointment in Bellevue.  I took Emily and Jack to their house and we made some Easter cookies.




I then headed back out to my dad's for a BBQ.  As usual we ate and ate, and then played some outdoor games.

Zach found a new favorite: a hotlink in jalapeno cheddar bread with ketchup!

Zach and I had gotten pedicures earlier in the day and Emily decided it was her turn.  The only color I had in the trailer was bright blue left over from fourth of July last year, but she had no objections.

Sunday morning we all went to mass and then met up at my sister's house for our annual Easter brunch.  Emily, Jack and Charlie opened all of their special Easter baskets and gifts.  Emily then read from her special Easter book she had made at preschool.  It was so precious to listen to her tell the story and real meaning of Easter at four and a half years old.  It melted my heart to think that some day we'll have a little one doing the same thing.

The Easter bunny brought Zach and Bryan special presents as well.  If you've seen the movie Step Brother's you'll be able to enjoy the humor behind them.  If not, you'll be able to enjoy the humor behind seeing two guys in their 30s wearing matching outfits!

Then it was time for the real fun to begin!  A few years ago Anne and I started the tradition of doing confetti eggs.  Each year we begin blowing out the eggs in March and saving them.  We then spend the Saturday before Easter making dozens and dozen of confetti eggs.  We die the eggs, fill them with little bits of cut up tissue paper, and then cover the hole at the top with a larger piece of tissue paper.  Then it's time for the cracking to begin!

While Emily enjoyed cracking them on my head, Jack enjoyed stomping on them on the ground.  I tried to get him to crack it on my head, but he didn't like that idea.

We ended the morning using the bubble wand to make giant bubbles.

Finally it was off to my Grandma Toddy's house on the hill for our annual Easter lunch.  The kids got to find their Easter treats down in the basement just like we did when we were young.  We had a great afternoon with family before heading home.  It was a great weekend!

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