Wednesday, June 15, 2011

8 Months - 32 Weeks

32 down and 8 more to go!  I definitely feel the baby move multiple times everyday.  This little baby loves to move and is very active!  I'm sad to say we had our last HypnoBirthing class this evening. I LOVED these classes and our instructor, Emily Brown.  She was absolutely wonderful.  I can honestly say that I no longer have any fears of giving birth; I'm excited!  I am of course a little anxious, which I think is to be expected, but through HypnoBirthing I have learned how to relax and I have a new understanding of what giving birth is all about.  If you're interested in doing a natural delivery I highly suggest HypnoBirthing and Emily if you live anywhere around us.

On another note, I have some ultrasound pictures to share of little Baby M.  I've had some persistent symptoms of PreEclampsia over the last couple of weeks, so to be safe my doctor asked me to be seen at the Overlake Birth Center last night.  What I thought was going to be a 45-60 minute check up, turned into about 5 hours of testing.  After a non-stress test, blood work, and an ultra sound, I'm extremely relieved to say everything is great!  I feel much better knowing that Baby M is healthy, active and breathing on his/her own at 32 weeks!  During the ultrasound we could see the baby's little chest moving up and down as it was "practice breathing".  For those of you who don't know 32 weeks is early for a baby to be breathing on it's own because usually the lungs are quite developed enough yet.  The baby also kept yawning and even stuck out his/her little tongue.  It was also nice to see the birth center where we will be delivering.  We had the most wonderful nurse while we were there, and if she is working when Baby M arrives we'll be requesting her.  (Zach asked her while we were there, and she happily said yes as long as she was working!)  Again, although it was a long night, it gave us the relief we needed to hear that everything is fine with the baby.  I'm hoping for an uneventful next 8 weeks!

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