Thursday, June 9, 2011


Our little Gizmo went to doggy heaven today.  We got her 11 months ago today, and although she has tested our patience at times, we loved her dearly.  It may have only been a little under a year, but if feels like we've had her forever.  She was the "boss" of the house, and was a member of the family.  Everyday when we get home from work she meets us with her wagging tail, shaking body, and her "spin moves" from excitement.  She was a little cuddly dog, and we will miss her. 

We knew when we got her last summer that she had a heart condition.  Although she's had regular visits to the vet, and has been on heart medication, the doggy autopsy today confirmed that her enlarged heart and small valves just stopped working.  It doesn't make it any easier losing something you love so much, but it gave us the closure we needed knowing that she went peacefully.

July 10, 2010
Gizmo's ride home with us from Zillah, WA

Gizmo and Buster became great friends, cuddling together and chasing each other in the backyard.

Gizmo soon discovered that she preferred Buster's big bed over her small bed, and since she was the boss, Buster didn't argue.

Every once in a while she would still use her bed.

 She was never particular about who she cuddled with, she just wanted to always be on someone's lap.

 And she LOVED human food.  She was the worst beggar, but was so cute you couldn't resist.  Emily loved her because she was "just the right size".  She was a "little girl sized dog".

She was a member of our family, and we will miss her greatly.

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