Thursday, June 2, 2011

"Showered" with Kindness

A few weeks ago the staff at my school threw a shower for Amy, Beth, and me.  It was a wonderful celebration with good friends and great people!

My good friend and teammate Tiffany and baby Kellan. 

Amy is a first grade teacher who is expecting her first baby in October.

Beth is our music teacher and is getting married in July.  Some of you might recognize her from my wedding.  She was the flautist at the church.


Today I was surprised by a classroom baby shower!  One of the moms in my classroom along with my educational assistant Vickie put on a surprise shower for me.  I was definitely surprised and the kids were so excited!  It was VERY thoughtful and wonderful.  They had the kids make predictions on whether they think Baby M will be a girl or a boy, draw pictures of what they thought the baby will look like and name him/her, and make a really cute scrapbook of baby advice from my kids.  Everything was wonderful and I loved sharing all of the excitement and fun with my kids!

I was adorned with a special "Mom To Be" sash and crown.  The kids told me I was the queen teacher!

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