Thursday, October 27, 2011

3 months

WOW! 3 months...

At 3 months Olivia continues to love to smile!  She is the happiest baby.  Every morning when she wakes up I go in, get her, and we sing our "good morning" song.  She looks right into my eyes and just smiles and smiles.  It's the most precious thing ever and one of my very favorite times of day!

Olivia is now 12 lbs. 4 oz. (50th percentile) and 22.5 inches long (25th percentile).  She loves to lie on the floor under her ocean gym and play.  She also loves her weekly play dates with Kellan.  It's so fun to see these two interacting with each other. On most days she likes to be wrapped up in the Moby and go for walks, but still no stroller rides yet.   She is so aware of everything around her.  When we go on our walks she looks all around and takes everything in.  It seems to be very soothing to her because she almost always falls fast asleep.

She has a strong grasp and likes to hold on to me when nursing.  She also makes a tight fist and likes to suck on it.  She has begun letting out a few little sweet laughs now and then and LOVES to talk.  It's absolutely precious listening to her talk back to me.  (I'll have to re-read this when she is a teenager.)  She had her first x-ray this last month to check on her tummy, and she also began sleeping in her crib.  It was a VERY difficult transition for me, but easy for Olivia.  She loves sleeping in her crib, and sleeps extremely well during the night (5-10 hours).  The only problem is that she hasn't really been napping.  She takes short little 5-30 minute cat naps through the day, but I guess you can't have it both ways.

Every day is a blessing with this little girl.  I love this perfect little family!  She has brought so much happiness and joy into our lives.  I'm so thankful I've been able to stay home with her.     

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