Friday, January 27, 2012

6 Months

WOW!  I can't believe our little girl is already half way to being a year old!  It definitely feels like in the last few weeks she is getting older.  I looked at Zach the other day, holding her, and really noticed how big she is getting.  She is still our little peanut, but she isn't so small anymore.  Her six month appointment is next week and I'll be very interested to see where she falls for weight and height. 

She is still rolling over from her tummy to her back, but hasn't quite rolled from her back to her tummy.  She'll roll up on her side, but doesn't quite make it all the way over.  She has great eye-hand coordination.  She grabs everything in sight and brings it to her mouth to try out.  She has been teeting for a little over a month or so, and we noticed this evening she is cutting her first tooth.  We were looking in her mouth and saw where the the gum has split.  You can barely see the top part of a little white tooth. 

She loves to grab my face with both hands, like she's holding me.  It's absolutely adorable.  She also knows what she wants and has begun to move for it.  We lie her on her tummy for tummy time and put a toy at the other end of her blanket.  In a matter of seconds she will scoot across the blanket on her tummy, reach out and grab the toy, and put it in her mouth.  She's also showing signs of crawling.  She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth.     

Olivia has to be the happiest baby I have ever met.  She smiles at everyone she meets, especially other kids.  She LOVES her cousins.  This last weekend we were up visiting and she was belly laughing at Emily as she made faces and danced in front of Olivia.  She also loves Buster.  She watches his every move, laughing and laughing at him when we play ball with him.  She is very predictable and not a fussy little girl unless she's tired or hungry.  She's a good little sleeper and eater.  We gave her rice ceral for the first time tonight and it was as if she'd been eating for months. (See the video and pictures below).

We are so blessed to have such a great, happy little girl.  She is the joy of our lives and makes us remember to enjoy life every day!

Olivia's first time eating rice cereal.  I read in Dr. Sear's book to try using your finger first, so I did, but she dug using the spoon...

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