Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A prayer for this little doggy...

Amidst all of the craziness with the power outage and winter storm we found out last week that Buster has Lymphoma.  Since it is a terminal cancer we have chosen not to do chemotherapy.  We discovered it in his throat.  It has not yet attacked his lungs or chest, but he has lost his bark, and sounds like Darth Vader most of the time when he breathes.  He can't  swallow his dog food, so I'm making him special food (a mixture of rice and salmon).  He loves it and is still eating well.  We have him on some drugs to help with the swelling in his throat, but he is on borrowed time.  We love this little doggy so much and he will be missed greatly when he goes.  We are told he is not in any pain, just uncomfortable.  He still loves to go on walks, and LOVES his ball.  Running is a limited activity, but I still throw his ball for him a few times when we go walking.  I just can't bring myself to stop.  I think if he could talk he would say, "Go ahead and throw the ball mom, I'd rather play ball than do anything else!"  So... when you say your prayers at night, please keep him in your thoughts.  The most important thing to us now is that he doesn't suffer when he goes.

Here are some of my favorite pics of him...


Next to playing ball, his favorite past time is lounging around, especially in the sun...

He has always been so good with Olivia.  She LOVES him and has been known to cry when he leaves the room, and scream with joy when he comes back.  He doesn't quite understand why she won't throw his toys for him, but he keeps on trying...

1 comment:

  1. I'm praying for you all. A pet is family too!! How sweet the memories you have of him!
