Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Hazel Grace 5 Months

It's so hard to believe this sweet little babe is already five months old. She continues to be the sweetest little baby. Smiling constantly, especially when her big sister is around. She even smiles in her sleep (as you can see in the photo above on the bottom.) She now weighs in over 20 lbs and is wearing 9-12 month clothes and some 12 month clothes. I had to make my first clothing purchase for her this month since Olivia was always so true to size. She wore 12 month clothes at 10-12 months which for Olivia was May-July. When I pulled out the 12 month clothes they were mostly all sun dresses, short sleeved shirts and summer type clothes. I have to admit it was nice to get to buy some new clothes for little miss Hazel. :)

This month Hazel swung in the outdoor, playground swing for the first time and LOVED it! I bundled her all up and just like Olivia used to do, she smiled and smiled and then fell asleep. Olivia used to love the swing and would swing for hours. I have a feeling Hazel is going to follow in her footsteps. 

She also rolled over for the first time last Sunday, September 20. We had been watching her for a few days and knew she was getting ready. She would lie on her back and roll up on her side, but hadn't quite rolled herself over onto her tummy. I was watching closely, got out my phone and started video taping. I got an error message that my memory was full. Of course when I went to delete the videos to create more room so I could keep recording, she rolled over! I was so close to catching it! She's a pretty strong little girl to roll from her back to her tummy. Usually babies roll from their tummies to their backs first since it's easier.

Hazel loves reading books with me and Olivia, listening to us sing songs and watching Olivia dance. Honestly, anything that includes Olivia! It makes me emotional already watching them and knowing what a sister bond is like. Olivia is truly this little girl's favorite person in the whole world. Hazel watches her every move, smiling and laughing hysterically. And Olivia continues to be the most amazing big sister ever! She loves Hazel and is extremely protective over her. She attends to her every need and is there to make her smile anytime she fusses. I know these two girls are going to be the best of friends!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

May Celebrations (2013)

We started our May celebrations celebrating my dad's birthday at Anthony's Homeport Restaurant in Anacortes.  This is our family's go to restaurant for special celebrations.  We were VERY fortunate that my mom offered to keep "the littles" at her house for us, so Anne and I actually got to enjoy our food while it was still hot!

The kids enjoyed some time playing in my mom's backyard after we got home from Anthony's...

The next day we met at my sister's house for a special lunch made by Zach and Bryan for Mother's Day. On the menu was scallop linguine, salad, and bread!

All of the moms with their kids!

I got my mom this really cute diaper bag that has cartoon images of the grandkids on it from Thirty-One...  

At the end of the month after we got home from Sun Lakes (posted next), we went to Kidz Bounce for the first time for a birthday party for one of Zach's friends little boys, Mason.  Olivia never ceases to amaze me.  She has absolutely no fear! I think you had to be there to truly appreciate how huge and tall this slide is.  No matter how many times she rolled and flipped down the slide, she still kept climbing to the top and going down...

Yes, that purple blur is her tumbling down the slide...

Baby Shower (May 2013)

My good friend Beth Mohr is pregnant and doesn't have any family in the area, so my other good friend Tiffany and I threw her a baby shower at the beginning of May.  It turned out fabulous!

Olivia wasn't too sure about her first cake pop...

We made onesies with months on them so Beth could take baby Brooklyn's picture each month and decorated headbands...

April 2013

Olivia loves being "nakey" and because she's shown an interest in potty training she usually runs around without clothes on while we're at home.  On this particular day she put on her sun glasses, grabbed her new purse and was running around.  It was absolutely the cutest thing so I had to grab a quick picture...

 During my spring break Olivia and I went up to my sister's house and spent some time with the cousins.  Auntie painted Olivia's toe nails for the first time!  It was a bit of a challenge to get her to hold still, but she absolutely loved it!

After only one foot however, she was done holding still... so she went with one foot painted for several weeks until it wore off.

We went on a bike ride/walk around the neighborhood.  Bryan found a Geocatching "treasure map" so we went Geocatching during our walk.  The kids were SO excited to see what he found!

We went to the Dollar Store and got some glow sticks and other things to keep us busy throughout the week.  Charlie picked out this glow stick ghost mask.  He was absolutely hilarious!  When he put it on he turned into a ghost and chased me around the house saying, "Oooooh! Oooooh!" I couldn't stop laughing!

Trouble 1 and trouble 2!

When it comes to cooking, this little girl takes after her mama.  She loves to cook with me!

After all that hard work cooking this little girl needed a special treat.  So I mixed some chocolate milk from the dairy. (It's the best ever! I get it in glass bottles every once in a while as a special treat from the Fall City Market.)  She usually isn't really into sweets, but boy did she love her chocolate milk!