Tuesday, September 27, 2011

2 Months

The last month has been amazing, tiring at times, but amazing!  It's been a rough few weeks dealing with tummy problems and reflux, but we are hopeful that it will end soon.

Olivia is now 21 inches long (25 percentile for height) and 11 pounds (50 percentile for weight).  She is meeting all of her developmental milestones so far.  She is full of big smiles for her mama and daddy.  She loves to talk and is making all sorts of cooing noises.  She enjoys her tummy time and has began rolling up on her side and scooting herself forward when lying on her tummy.  At our 2 month appointment today our pediatrician witnessed her scooting herself along the bed.  We're going to have our hands full!  She's a good little sleeper and when her tummy is feeling good she'll sleep 5-7 hours through the night.  So like I said before, we're hopeful the tummy stuff will end soon!

Words can't explain how much we love, love, love this little girl.  She's absolutely beautiful and fills our hearts with joy each and every day!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

For the past few years we have gone "camping" at my dad's for Labor Day weekend.  So we loaded up the trailer and Olivia for her first camping trip!

Before all the eating began I decided to try and burn some calories by playing with my favorite niece and nephews.  We love to run, run, run around my dad's huge yard and play.  I know I keep saying this, but I can't wait for Olivia to be big enough to run around and have fun with her cousins!

We always have more than enough food and this year was no different.  We gorged on crab, smoked salmon, my dad's famous fried chicken, and for dessert I made peach cobbler with fresh peaches from our neighbor's peach tree.

Eat, drink, and be merry!

After all that food it was time for some lounging around...

After some R & R, the guys all headed over to the boat to hang out for a while.

And when it got a little chilly out I decided to sport my PBR pajamas.  My dad and Patti got Zach and I matching pairs for Christmas last year.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Day Out at the Farm

August 31 Olivia and I drove out to Remlinger Farms in Carnation to meet Auntie Anne, the cousins, and Grandma Emily for a day of fun.  Although Olivia couldn't really join in on the fun and she slept almost the whole time, it was a great day!

As soon as we entered the farm Jack heard the train whistle, and it was off to the train we went.

Remlinger Farms is one of the few places left that have a petting zoo.  The kids had fun feeding the sheep, goats, and chickens. 

Jack wasn't into feeding the goats since they tried to touch him.  He stuck to the chickens that were locked up in a cage.

My sweet little girl fast asleep.

The farm also has rides, a huge fort with tunnels, and a hay area to play in.

 Charlie loved the hay area.  He would scoot to the opening to the tunnel and as soon as he saw me coming, he would quickly scoot the other way so I couldn't catch him.  It was hilarious!

Grandma Emily and Anne even rode on a couple of rides.

I think Anne and the kids went on the roller coast at least a half dozen times.  It was their favorite ride!

One of the kids favorite places was this stage coach.  They played on it for over an hour.

Olivia woke up once to eat and then went right back to sleep in her Grandma's arms.

We played at the farm for over four hours.  It was another fun day with family!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Newborn Pictures

Jodi from The SNAPsisters came down in early August to take newborn pictures for us.  Since Olivia was barely two weeks old she made the long journey down from Lynden and took pictures in the nursery and our back yard.  As usual she did an excellent job!  They turned out great!

My sister made this banner for Olivia's baby shower.  It worked perfectly with the green bin.

My mom bought this adorable hat for Olivia before she was born.

Zach had to try and get at least one shot of her on the wake board... she didn't like it much.