Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Before Olivia.... (Maternity Pictures, Deception Pass, and a Baby Shower)

It's true what everyone says... once you have a baby time flies and you have little time for blogging.  I've been dying to get these pictures up for weeks!  I'm going to do my best over the next couple of days to get caught up on my blogging.

The week before our sweet, little Olivia arrived we had a busy and fun week.  It began at Deception Pass State Park.  We planned an 8 day camping trip with my dad, Patti, and my sister and her family last October; little did I know I'd be 37 weeks pregnant!  The campground fills up so quickly that you have to make reservations at least 9 months in advance.

We joined the SNAPsisters baby club.  Instead of doing 3 or 9 month pictures we opted to get maternity, newborn, 6 months, and 1 year pictures.  Jodi decided to join us for the beautiful scenery at Deception Pass for our maternity pictures the first Saturday we were at Deception Pass.  As usual she did an awesome job!

Our original plan was for Zach to stay the whole week camping with everyone.  However, that changed when we found out we were pregnant.  He couldn't take a week off and then a couple of weeks later take another two weeks when the baby arrived.  So, we made the best of it.  He towed the trailer down Saturday, July 16 and stayed until Sunday evening when he had to head back for work on Monday.  He surprised me and drove back up to Deception Pass Thursday evening and was able to stay Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, July 21-23.  It was a super fun camping trip with everyone!

Sunday, July 17 we celebrated Charlie's 1st Birthday at the beach!

The next day it was off to the beach again to build sand castles.

Anne had planned a fun activity for the kids each day.  One day was confetti eggs!  We usually only do this at Easter, but because I forgot to bring my eggs this year we had plenty of extras for a fun camping activity.

Tuesday we decided to head down to the beach across from Cranberry Lake.  Everyone rode their bikes except for Patti and I.  She joined me in making the 2-3 mile walk.  In hindsight I'm sure it was all of this great exercise that helped little Olivia come a couple of weeks early!

We continued to spend our days down at the beach having a great time.  The weather was absolutely perfect!

Wednesday my mom and brother headed out to spend the afternoon with us at the beach.

We then headed back to the campground for the daily activity, painting rocks.

We may have been camping, but we ate like kings!  This particular night we feasted on a taco bar.

Wednesday evening the skies opened up and it absolutely poured ALL night.  Luckily Jack and Emily were sleeping with me in the trailer and somehow Bryan, Anne and Charlie managed to stay dry.  Bryan, my dad, and Patti all headed into Bayview to go crabbing, so Anne and I packed up the kids and headed into Mount Vernon.  It had stopped raining, but the ground was absolutely muck and mud.  We did a little laundry, showered in nice, big showers, and regrouped and headed back to camp.  On our way back out Bryan called to tell us they had stopped in at the Shrimp Shack one of their favorite placed to eat.  We met up there, ate some delicious food, and headed back to the campground.

Zach wasn't supposed to return until Saturday because of work.  He surprised us and came on Thursday evening!  We all headed down to the beach for some more fun memories.  

Dad and Zach toasted to our final morning at camp.

And the perfect way to end a perfect camping trip.... a perfect campfire at night.  I love, love, loved this trip!!  It was so relaxing and fun.  It brought back all of my childhood memories of camping with my own parents and grandparents.  I'm so excited for Olivia to have the same wonderful memories!

We arrived home the afternoon of Saturday, July 23.  I unpacked a little, showered, and got ready for my final baby shower hosted by my "Yogis" as Zach calls them.  As usual it was a great time, with wonderful friends and amazing food!

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