Thursday, September 15, 2011

Olivia at the Hospital - Part 2

I'm still working on catching up.  My mom has been here the last few days, so I've been able to get a lot done.  I'll post more soon!

Zach announcing our baby girl to our families .  I'm not sure who the lady in the blue shirt on the left is... she's NOT family!

Zach and his parents, Grandpa and Grandma Mitchell.

The family quickly scooped her up!  Auntie Anne was the first to hold her.

Olivia's first bath.

I love this picture of Zach just staring at her.  He looks so proud!

Because I didn't have any drugs I was able to walk from my delivery room to my postpartum room.  It felt SO good to walk, and the nurses were really impressed with me!

Our sweetheart baby girl.  She is just absolutely perfect!

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