Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Olivia's First Trip to Mount Vernon

The weekend of August 22 Olivia and I decided to head up to Mount Vernon for a visit.  We stayed Tuesday through Friday.  Our first stop Tuesday afternoon was Great Grandma Toddy's house.  This is my mom's mom.  I have wonderful memories from when I was little playing with my grandma at her house on the hill.  At 86 she is still down on the floor playing with the kids!  She's absolutely amazing!

She was so excited to hold little Olivia for the first time.

Jack loves hiding in things.  He quickly cleaned out the toy cabinet and began hiding in it.  Charlie quickly discovered where he'd gone and began playing peek-a-boo with him.  It was so precious!  I love seeing my sister's kids play together and am so excited for Olivia to get to join in on all the fun with her cousins!

On Wednesday I left early in the morning to go meet up with my cooperating teacher from my student teaching, Tia.  She is a wonderful person and teacher; I was very fortunate to get to teach with her!  She was also pregnant when I was student teaching in her classroom, and Olivia was born on the same day as her son.  Very special!  We drove down and met her in Marysville at Starbucks for a quick visit.  (I forgot to take any pictures).  We were back in time to go with my sister, the kids, and my mom to Washington State Park in Anacortes.  We met up with one of my sister's friends, Jennet and her daughter and one of Emily's best friends, Olivia.  My sister and I used to love coming to this beach to play and camp when we were little.  It was a great day at the beach!

On our way home from the beach we stopped by my dad's.  Grandma Patti hadn't seen Olivia since she was born, so she quickly scooped her up when she got home from work and got in some grandma time.

Uncle Bryan had watched the kids for my sister both times she came down to visit so this was the first time he'd gotten to see and hold Olivia.

Wednesday evening my good friend, Amy, from high school stopped by to visit with her mom, Nancy and Amy's daughter, Haley.  I forgot to take any pictures.  They came bearing several gifts including fleece sleep sacks.  Olivia didn't have any of these yet; they are the best thing ever!  She's sleeping longer at night because she's so warm and snugly!  Thank you Amy, Haley, and Nancy!

Thursday we spent all day at Grandma Emily's with the cousins and Auntie Anne.  It was a great day!  I love how Olivia's cousins just can't get enough of her.  They already love her so much!  It's so sweet and I love knowing that she'll have so much fun playing and growing up with them in the future!  

Charlie was wondering what all the fuss was about.  He couldn't see Olivia in her cradle from the ground.  I lifted him up to look inside and when he discovered her he let out the biggest squeal of laughter.  It was the cutest thing ever!  He kept lifting himself up to look in the cradle, belly laughing each time.  He even reached out to touch her and tried to give her a hug!

When Olivia was done, Charlie decided he wanted to take a turn.

There's nothing better than spending a few good days with family.  We missed Zach and couldn't wait to get home to see him, but soaked up every moment of our time with my family.  It was some well needed time for both of us.  My mom took Olivia and I ran errands by myself for the first time.  She also took Olivia at 3 a.m. and let me sleep in until 7 a.m. one morning.  A little sleep goes a long way; I felt like a new person!  I only wish we lived closer...

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