Tuesday, September 27, 2011

2 Months

The last month has been amazing, tiring at times, but amazing!  It's been a rough few weeks dealing with tummy problems and reflux, but we are hopeful that it will end soon.

Olivia is now 21 inches long (25 percentile for height) and 11 pounds (50 percentile for weight).  She is meeting all of her developmental milestones so far.  She is full of big smiles for her mama and daddy.  She loves to talk and is making all sorts of cooing noises.  She enjoys her tummy time and has began rolling up on her side and scooting herself forward when lying on her tummy.  At our 2 month appointment today our pediatrician witnessed her scooting herself along the bed.  We're going to have our hands full!  She's a good little sleeper and when her tummy is feeling good she'll sleep 5-7 hours through the night.  So like I said before, we're hopeful the tummy stuff will end soon!

Words can't explain how much we love, love, love this little girl.  She's absolutely beautiful and fills our hearts with joy each and every day!

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