Thursday, April 11, 2013

November 2012

We don't have a ton of pictures from November or the beginning of December.  They were both crazy months as usual.  We were supposed to go camping with my sister's family for Thanksgiving down the Oregon Coast.  We had to cancel because her kids got really sick and there ended up being a wind storm that knocked out power to the entire area. 

I did manage to get a few pictures of a few fun things we did.  I bought Olivia her first set of crayons and we tried coloring for the first time...

She spent a lot of time running around naked or half clothed...

Olivia loves cleaning and did some sweeping...

I bought a plaster hand print ornament kit last year, but Olivia was too young to do it, so we gave it a try this year and it turned out great!  We had to try it a couple of times, but she loved putting her hand in the plaster...



Sadly we don't have any pictures from Thanksgiving since we weren't able to spend it with family.  We went out to dinner at the Woodman Lodge in Snoqualmie.  It ended up being a bust.  Olivia hadn't napped and we took shifts madly scarfing down our dinner and walking around outside with her.  Hopefully next year will be back to the normal traditions. 

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