Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Visit to Mount Vernon: Camping and Skagit Farm Days (October 2012)

The first weekend in October Olivia and I went up to Mount Vernon to visit my family.  We started at Grandma Emily's house.  Olivia loves cleaning lately and decided to do some chores for Grandma Emily...

She took a break to do some dancing...

Later that evening my brother and I decided to go out and visit my sister and her family.  They were camping in Anacortes for a couple of nights.  Their campsite backed up to a big hill.  The kids immediately started rolling and running down it...

Then they decided to try and ride the scooters and tractors down it...


Olivia loved my sister's Cougar windsocks...


My brother and I left after it got dark.  What is not pictured is the terrible ride home.  I think it was one of the worst in history.  I was borrowing my sister's car since I had ridden up with my mom.  As we were driving home Olivia began screaming so hard that before I could pull off the road she had projectile vomited three times all over my sister's car.  What a nightmare!!  I ended up sitting with her holding her, just to get her to stop throwing up and my brother drove home.  Luckily the rest of the trip was so much fun it was worth all the hard work of getting the puke smell out of my sister's car!

The next day Olivia enjoyed a popsicle at Grandma Emily's before we headed out to Skagit Farm Days in LaConner...

The first stop when we arrived at Hedlin Farms was the face painting station.  Emily went first, then Olivia...


Next we went to the vegetable car station.  The kids got to make cars out of vegetables, wood tires, and screws, and then decorated them with glitter, sequins, pipe cleaners and lots of other stuff...


This was Olivia's car...
After we made the cars, Uncle Bryan took all of the kids to race them down the ramp...

Lastly we went on a hay ride.  The farmer who gave us our tour is one of the owners of the 400-acre farm.  It was absolutely amazing listening to him tell us all about the farm and the history of how his family acquired the land.



 The Skagit Valley Herald was also on the ride.  They did a story about the farm and took a picture that was in the newspaper.  My brother, Jack, Bryan, and Emily's head made the picture!

After the farm we went back to Grandma Emily's and Olivia played on her blow up bed...

Before having to leave on Sunday we headed back over to the Joneses one last time.  It's always SOOO hard to leave.  I know I say it all the time, but I just love watching Olivia play with her cousins.  I wish we lived closer so it could happen everyday!


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