Sunday, April 7, 2013

Tushunka Farms - Petting Zoo (September 2012)

I purchased a Groupon voucher for Tushunka Farms, a petting zoo in Redmond so my mom and I decided to take Olivia in September before the weather turned for the year.  The staff was super friendly.  Olivia absolutely loved the animals and had a blast!

First we got to meet, pet and feed the fainting goats...


Next they brought out "Shakira" the chinchilla...

There were big hens walking around everywhere, but hen they brought out the little chicks and let Olivia pet them...



Next was "Chuck" the rabbit...

A miniature pony...

I can't remember the cow's name, but she was one of my favorites!  She was so nice and Olivia loved petting her...

The last stop was the horse arena.  There were lots of beautiful horses.  We got to pet "Taffy" the horse.  We also got to pet "Paco" the donkey (I didn't get a picture). 

I also didn't get a picture of the wild stallions they had.  They were amazing!  One of the girls who was showing us around told us all about them.  There were two of them and one of them had just arrived the previous day from Montana.  They had both been rescued from the wild and were in the process of being tamed.  It was the first time I've ever seen wild horses.

Lastly Olivia decided to climb in the bicycle cart to play before we left....

If you are in the area I would highly recommend this place.  It's very low key, but I love that the kids actually get to pet the animals!

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