Monday, April 11, 2011

Blessed with generosity

As all of you know, good friends are hard to find, but great friends are even harder.  Zach and I have been truly fortunate to have so many great friends in our lives.  We were recently blessed by one of these friends in a way that really touched both of us.  We have been discussing the possibility of having doulas at the birth of our child.  I really like the idea of having an "outsider" present to help remind us of everything we learned in our birthing classes and help advocate for us in any way we need it.  My friend Tiffany suggested two doulas from Seattle Massage and Birth Support that she used in the recent birth of her son Kellan.  She loved them and highly recommended them.   I got their information and we went for our big meeting Wednesday, March 30.  Zach was a little skeptical at first, but after meeting with them we were both absolutely relieved.  Marnie and Kelly were just what we were looking for!  The advice they offered and their words of wisdom were just what we needed to hear.  After our meeting, I felt like a HUGE weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.  They made me feel at ease, and already helped me be less stressed for the birth of this baby.  As if finding them wasn't a blessing enough, during our meeting they told us that our down payment had already been paid by Tiffany.  Not only was this a very generous gift, but what touched Zach and I both, was that it was a gift from the heart.  Tiffany loved her experience with these women and wanted us to be able to have the same experience.  Words can't explain how thankful we are.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome Jenny! Josh's mom used to be a doula and they are so wonderful to have!
