Monday, April 11, 2011

Future Gymnast?

Tuesday, February 1 was our first ultrasound appointment at Washington Imaging with the fancy ultrasound machines (they show a lot more detail).  Our technician was absolutely wonderful, but little Baby M was not.  The baby decided he/she wanted to show us all of his/her moves.  The baby was doing somersaults and flipping around all over the place.  The technician thought it was hilarious, and it was absolutely amazing to watch.  The baby was waving it's hand at us, like it was saying, "Hi Mom and Dad!"  Unfortunately, the technician needed to get a picture of the baby's neck and this was not possible with so much movement.  When the baby finally settled down, he/she decided to settle looking out at us, not showing the back of his/her neck.  What was supposed to be a 45 minutes appointment turned into a 3 hour appointment!  The poor technician tried everything.  She inverted me on the bed, Zach pushed on my belly, I ran stairs, and jumped up and down.  She suggested getting something to eat, so we left while she completed another appointment.  We went across the street to KFC/Taco Bell and I ate some mashed potatoes and drank a Gatorade.  When we returned, she was ready.  It finally had done the trick! The baby had turned just enough for her to get the pictures she needed.  We were so thankful for her patience and willingness to keep trying since we had both taken off time from work the appointment.  After several measurements she also told us that I had a new due date, August 10, 2011.

We have some great ultrasound pictures from this visit, but I seem to have put them in a really good place.  So good, that I can't remember where they are.  As soon as I find them, I will post them.

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