Monday, April 11, 2011


The weekend of March 25 my mom drove down to help me with the nursery.  It was so exciting to get all of the bedding put together!  Since we won't be finding out the sex of our little Baby M we decided to go with a neutral bedding that we can doctor up later with blues and pinks as we see fit.  It won't surprise those of you who know me well that I purchased this bedding almost exactly a year ago.  Yes, before we knew we were pregnant.  It was on sale and I just couldn't resist!

The next morning we headed into Lynnwood to meet my sister, niece, Emily, and nephew, Charlie at Babies R Us to register.  It was the perfect girls day out.  Bryan stayed at home and watched Jack.  Charlie got to come along because he was our "test baby".  My sister's kids all grew out of their infant car seat by the time they were 2-3 months old, so we were determined to use Charlie as a sample and put him in and out of car seats, strollers, and anything else we thought we needed to test out.  He was a great trooper!  We ended the day eating lunch at Spaghetti Factory and a little shopping at Nordstrom and the Pumpkin Patch at Alderwood Mall.  Poor little Emily's ear was hurting so we called it quits a little early.  This is a child who never complains and we knew if she was complaining, something was wrong.  We found out the next morning she had ear infections in both ears.  OUCH!  Poor little thing.  She was such a good sport and we had a great day!

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